Standard CNC Controller

Contronest CNC controller built on Embedded Beckhoff® high performance EtherCAT IPC with durable parts, Germany made.
Operation system Microsoft® Windows Embedded Standard 7 P, with ability to install additional CAD program.
also is characterized by low power consumption and fan less design.
Input and output modules are unlimited extension and easy to install and wiring by integrated screwless spring force technology for fast and simple assembly.
With all required module types: high power, DC drive, relays, solid state relays and analog IOs, it will eliminate the requirement for other electrical parts like relays, Abrasive motor driver, Proportional valve driver and so…..

CPU: Intel® Atom™ multi-core processor with a clock rate of 1.75 GHz
Very compact design, Din rail mount: 142x100x91 mm.
Low power consumption: 24Vdc,16W max.
Extended operation temperature range: -25 °C to +60 °C.
Ports: 2 Gigabit Ethernet, 4 USB, DVI-I interface.
Integrated 1- second UPS: that continues to supply the processor with power in the event of a power failure, during this period working data will be saved, and a quick shutdown will be executed.
Touch screen program layout for easy user control.
Integrated CAM program with built-in templates, and DXF Checker.
Integrated operation interface with PLC functions.
Select abrasive rate by interactive slide bar.
Select Abrasive rate, Cutting and Piercing pressure by interactive slide bar.
Can runtime change Cut Settings values (Piercing type & time, focusing tube, orifice,
pressure, abrasive and abrasive-water delay), and automatically Recommended Over Speed suggesting maintaining the cutting quality.
Event and Alarms monitoring for all machine functions.
Machine status preview: (power off, Jog, Goto, Goto ready, Run, Pause, Emergency).
Selectable Machine Absolute or Part coordinate display.
Can check each axis parameters: position, speed, error and torque.
Override speed to change moving speed on the fly (1 to 200% programmable).
Manual jog the axes or automatically go to any position or point on the screen.
Advanced speed look ahead to take most performance of your machine.
Machine setting with 2 levels control (user and factory), for all machine and PLC and Axes control.
Multi language easy selection (Chinese, English, Russian……..).
Inch or mm program selection.
Geometry optimization for marble cutting to assemble inner and outer directly.
Dual Z axes and Dual X axes control.
2D compensation for X,Y correction, and fly arm machine error compensation.
Flying Bridge Correction:
After each installation of flying bridge machine there will be some skew which might be impossible for the installer to eliminate completely, By using this method, the controller
will correct this error, and generate perfect cut every time.